Online courses
My EDU Prep
Prepare for your future
“An investment in knowledgepays the best interest.”Benjamin Franklin
Online courses
What sets us apart
Tutors & Consultants
Our team members exemplify excellence.
Each is a distinguished graduate from Oxbridge, possessing both remarkable academic writing capabilities and a profound comprehension of the standards held by prestigious universities.
Learning from MyEduPrep tutors is an invaluable opportunity.
Their unique experiences and honed expertise will enrich your knowledge and provide key insights that will propel you on the journey you aspire to.
Specifically designed for you
Our online academic courses are thoughtfully curated to meet your unique needs.
The curriculum is carefully designed to address the areas where international students typically need the most assistance, giving you the edge in your desired pursuits.
Our dedicated team holds extensive meetings to develop the most comprehensive curriculum, ensuring that within a short period of time, you will gain the essential skills, tips and tricks for success.
My EDU Prep offers:
Academic courses
Career courses
Exam preparation
IELTS & Speaking
Online Courses
We offer both live and pre-recorded courses, which mean they can be taken wherever you are. There are also regular live classes on weekends.